Study in Moldova
Higher education:
The period of studies is 4-6 years. The duration of the academic year is 34 weeks, divided into two semesters. The duration of the study week lasts for 5-6 days with 28-32 compulsory hours.
The activity of the higher education institutions is regulated by the Law of Education and by Government Decisions in the educational sphere. To ensure the compatibility of curriculum, to create conditions for students' mobility inside and outside the country, to ensure transparency and compatibility of educational system with similar systems in other countries the Frame-Plan for higher education has been developed.
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Business in Moldova
General InfoOur program named Under the Moldovan legislation, business activity is the activity of production of goods, performance of works and provision of services carried out independently by citizens and their associations on their own behalf, risk and responsibility for the purpose of obtaining a permanent source of income.
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Volunteer - internship programs in MoldovaOur program named “International Volunteer Academy” invite you to the following placements: Media, IT, Image maker, Organizing free time for children in orphanages, Teachers, English, Fundraising placements.
Placements description: We are seeking year around youth for Volunteer, Internship applications to work for our rapidly growing, fast-paced non-profit organization. We are looking for youth who is able to take initiative, and has good written and verbal communication skills. Though not a pre-requisite, the following background is preferred: a demonstrated interest in such subjects as international relations, peace building and fundraising, etc NGOs related deals. Enthusiasm for our mission is as important as experience and specific academic background, however. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about peace building, meet members of the nonprofit community in Moldova, and learn the logistics of a membership organization. Additional you will have opportunity to visit Moldova’s historical and holly places, also study Russian or Romanian languages etc. |
The National Day of the Wine Jour National du Vin
During October 7, 8 in Chisinau will take place the solemn activities, dedicated to the National Day of the Wine. On this occasion, the Festival of the Wine has as the goal the rebirth and the increase of the culture of the wine growing and the wine, to emphasize the traditions, to mention the prestige of the wine production.
Since ancient times the people living between the Prut and Nistru rivers have celebrated the end of the grape harvest and birth of their new wine. Every winegrowing family joins in these festival activities.
Pendant 7,8 octobre à Chisinau se passeront des activités solennelles, dédiées au Jour National du Vin. Avec cette occasion, le Festival du Vin a comme le but la renaissance et augmentation de la culture de la viticulture et du vin, de mettre en valeur les traditions, de mentionner le prestige de la production viticole.
Dès périodes antiques les personnes vivant entre les fleuves de Prut et de Nistru ont célébré la fin de la vendange et la naissance de leur nouveau vin. Chaque famille de viticulteur s'associe aux cettes activités festivalières. |
Japca Village Le village de Japca
The Japca area (160 km north the Chisinau) is very well known for its convent of nuns, the only one to remain open during the Soviet period. In XVIIth c. the convent community was similar to a fortress.
La région de Japca (160 kilomètres nord du Chisinau) est très bien connu par son couvent des nonnes, le seul resté ouvert pendant la période soviétique. Dans XVII siècle. La communauté du couvent était semblable à une forteresse. |
The fortress of Soroca La forteresse de Soroca
In the medieval period the fortress of Soroca was part of a huge Moldovan defensive system, which comprised four fortresses on the Nistru River, two on the Danube and another three in the northern part of the country. With this "stone belt of fortresses", the country borders were well protected. Soroca fortress was built at the Nistru River crossing, on older fortifications. In 1499, on the order of Stefan cel Mare, a square wooden fortress was built, on the site of a former Genovan fortress called as Olihonia (Alciona).
Pendant la période médiévale la forteresse de Soroca faisait partie d'un système défensif énorme de Moldovie, qui a comporté 4 forteresses sur le fleuve de Nistru, 2 sur le Danube et encore 3 dans la partie nordique du pays. Avec cette "ceinture des forteresses en pierre", les frontières de pays ont été bien protégées. La forteresse de Soroca a été construite au passage sur le fleuve de Nistru, sur des fortifications plus anciennes. En 1499, sur l'ordre d’Etienne le Grand, a été construite une forteresse carrée en bois, sur l'emplacement d'une ancienne forteresse genoise, appelée comme Olihonia (Alciona). |
“The Assumption of the Virgin Mary” Church L’église "L'Assomption de la Vierge Marie"
Situated 80 km south of Chisinau, the precise date of the construction of this, the only church in Basarabia with wall frescos, is not known, but there are several options. It might have appeared: in 1455, when Causeni was founded, in 1634-1653 during the reign of Vasile Lupu, Ruler of Moldova, or even later.
Se trouve à 80 kilomètres sud de Chisinau. La date précise de la construction, de la seule église de Basarabia avec des fresques murales, n'est pas connue, mais il y a plusieurs opinions. Elle pourrait être apparu : en 1455, quand Causeni a été fondé, en 1634-1653 pendant le règne de Vasile Lupu, roi de Moldavie, ou même plus tard. |
The village and the monastery Tsipova Le village et le monastère de Tipova
In Tipova on the rocky side of the Nistru River (about 100-km north of Chisinau), is the biggest Orthodox cave monastery in Moldova and in Eastern Europe. Long before the feudal state of Moldova was formed monastery and a community of monks were established.
En Tipova du côté rocheux du fleuve de Nistru (à 100 kilomètre nord de Chisinau), se trouve le plus grand monastère orthodoxe de caverne de Moldavie et de l’Europe de l'Est. Longtemps avant que l'état féodal de Moldavie soit formé, une communauté des moines a été établie ici. |
The Old Orhei Vieil Orhei
Old Orhei is a museum complex that presents the remains of different civilizations established between the Nistru and Prut rivers. It is situated 60 km from Chisinau in a narrow, rocky, 150-200 m deep bend in the Raut River valley. The remains of the first human settlement can be found in the cliff caves.
Vieil Orhei est un complexe muséal qui présente les vestiges de différentes civilisations établies entre les fleuves de Nistru et de Prut. Il est situé 60 kilomètres de Chisinau dans un défilé rocheux, profond de 150-200 m dans la vallée de la rivière Raut. Les preuves de la première institution humaine peuvent être trouvés dans les cavernes en roche. |
The "Holy Trinity" Monastery of Saharna Le monastère "Sainte Trinité" de Saharna
The "Holy Trinity" Monastery of Saharna, situated about 110 km north of Chisinau on the right side of the Dniestr river, is considered to be one of the biggest centers for religious pilgrimages in Moldova. Here can be found the unique relicts of St. Cuvios Macarie, and on the top of the high cliff, according to a legend, there is a footprint of St. Maria.
Le monastère " Sainte Trinité " de Saharna, situé environ 110 Km nord de Chisinau à côté droite du Nistru, est considéré comme l'un des plus grands centres des pèlerinages religieux en Moldavie. Ici peuvent être trouvées les reliques uniques du Saint Pieux Macarie, et sur le sommet d’une haute roche, selon une légende, il y a une empreinte de pas de la Sainte Marie. |
Căpriana monastery Mănăstirea Căpriana
In a beautiful forest region, at 40 km NW from Chisinau, one of the oldest monasteries of Moldova can be founded. It’s Capriana monastery, established in 1429. For a longtime it was the residence of Moldova’s metropolitan, based also by Stefan cel Mare.
Dans une zone pitoresque de forêt, à 40 km nord ouest de Chisinau se trouve l'un de plus ancien monastère de la Moldavie- Capriana (fondé en 1429). Fondé, par Etienne le Grand, il a été longtemps la residence du métropolite de Moldavie. |