Saturday, July 30, 2016

Like, share, comment -contest : "Best Picture" "Best Drawing" "The best video" "Best Song" "Best Business Model" "Best Invention" "Best Innovative Idea" "The best story problem solving in a hopeless situation" "Best IT project" "Best Funny Story" "Best Web Page» "Best Blog" "Best sport achievement" "The best poem" "The best essay" "Best helper for Mother" "Best helper for Father" "Best Brother" "Best Sister" Competition procedure: Reception works, Contest, the results are published on the official site, Certificates and diplomas will be sent to winners The main aims and objectives of the competition: - The development of inventive activity; - The development of creative abilities; - Providing participants’ opportunity to participate in the competition of international level; - The development of friendly relations; Works will be accepted until August 12 Competitors: - Pupils of pre-school institutions of any type; - Students of educational institutions of all types (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, universities, etc.). - Young people and students. Conditions of the competition: Each work must have a title and a short description to it a photo and a video posted on the website Entries may be made by one participant (individual work) or several participants (collective work). Copyright material retained by the contestants. Responsibility for the observance of copyrights of third parties are works of authors. Criteria for evaluation of entries: - Originality of the work; - Creativity; - Savvy; Rules for participation in the competition: To participate in the contest describe you work and contact details on the website with photo and video. The jury determines the winners of the competition, who took I, II, III place and the winner in each category of the contest. The winners are awarded with diplomas Award documents will be sent to the email address specified in the registration form of the participant of the contest. We invite sponsors and partners to join at any stage of the competition For more information, contact us at

Innovators for Peace – Contest- IVAcademy invites children and young people to
participate in international contest in the following categories:
"Best Drawing"
best video"
Business Model"
Innovative Idea"
best story problem solving in a hopeless situation"
IT project"
Funny Story"
Web Page»
sport achievement"
best poem"
best essay"
"Best helper
for Mother"
"Best helper
for Father"
Community Service Project"
participate - post you work with a title and a short description to it, a photo
and video and been posted here on the website
works, Contest, the results are published on the official site, Certificates
and diplomas will be sent to winners
The main
aims and objectives of the competition:
- The
development of inventive activity;
- The
development of creative abilities;
- Providing
participants’ opportunity to participate in the competition of international level;
- The
development of friendly relations;
Works will
be accepted until August 12
- Pupils of
pre-school institutions of any type;
- Students
of educational institutions of all types (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums,
colleges, universities, etc.).
- Young
people and students.
of the competition:
Each work
must have a title and a short description to it a photo and a video posted on
the website
Entries may
be made by one participant (individual work) or several participants
(collective work).
material retained by the contestants.
for the observance of copyrights of third parties are works of authors.
for evaluation of entries:
Originality of the work;
- Savvy;
Rules for
participation in the competition:
participate in the contest describe you work and contact details on the website with photo and video.
The jury
determines the winners of the competition, who took I, II, III place and the
winner in each category of the contest.
The winners
are awarded with diplomas
documents will be sent to the email address specified in the registration form
of the participant of the contest.
We invite
sponsors and partners to join at any stage of the competition

For more information,
contact us at
Like, share, comment -contest : "Best Picture" "Best Drawing" "The best video" "Best Song" "Best Business Model" "Best Invention" "Best Innovative Idea" "The best story problem solving in a hopeless situation" "Best IT project" "Best Funny Story" "Best Web Page» "Best Blog" "Best sport achievement" "The best poem" "The best essay" "Best helper for Mother" "Best helper for Father" "Best Brother" "Best Sister" Competition procedure: Reception works, Contest, the results are published on the official site, Certificates and diplomas will be sent to winners The main aims and objectives of the competition: - The development of inventive activity; - The development of creative abilities; - Providing participants’ opportunity to participate in the competition of international level; - The development of friendly relations; Works will be accepted until August 12 Competitors: - Pupils of pre-school institutions of any type; - Students of educational institutions of all types (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, universities, etc.). - Young people and students. Conditions of the competition: Each work must have a title and a short description to it a photo and a video posted on the website Entries may be made by one participant (individual work) or several participants (collective work). Copyright material retained by the contestants. Responsibility for the observance of copyrights of third parties are works of authors. Criteria for evaluation of entries: - Originality of the work; - Creativity; - Savvy; Rules for participation in the competition: To participate in the contest describe you work and contact details on the website with photo and video. The jury determines the winners of the competition, who took I, II, III place and the winner in each category of the contest. The winners are awarded with diplomas Award documents will be sent to the email address specified in the registration form of the participant of the contest. We invite sponsors and partners to join at any stage of the competition For more information, contact us at

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Ads in internet, social networks and Google Adwords campaigns Managing and Consulting Services

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Ads in internet, social networks and Google Adwords campaigns Managing and Consulting Services