Wednesday, July 21, 2010

IRFF Moldova – charity for peace, Interview with Cirpala Nicolae Executive director IRFF Moldova

How did this organization come about?
-IRFF ONLUS Moldova (IRFF ONLUS was founded from the inspiration of IRFF Italy) is a non-governmental, and is a public, non-profit agency working to eliminate poverty, malnutrition, and disease. Founded in June 2001(we was officially registered in June 2001 at R. Moldova Justice department), IRFF ONLUS Moldova has sought to accomplish this goal by creating and sponsoring development projects that stimulate an exchange of knowledge, skills, and service between developed and developing countries.

Who is eligible to assist in your peace building efforts?
-Hosting hundreds of interns and volunteers every year we are looking for people who are independent workers with good written and verbal communication skills.

You have made this very convenient for people overseas who want to help, but cannot in person.  Have you had success and interest from those who volunteer from home?
-          Sure every year additionally to tens of volunteers from abroad there are hundreds of volunteers and youth locally in Moldova benefiting from our services.

What are some of the qualities you look for a volunteer?
- Though not a pre-requisite, the following background is preferred: a demonstrated interest in such subjects as international relations, peace building, fundraising and NGOs. However, experience and academic qualifications can be matched with adequate enthusiasm for the area.

What inspires you to want to make Moldova a better place? 
- Moldova, the corner of Paradise and land of heavenly fruits and wine. A fairy-tale country, a country full of legends, a land of dreams… These are epithets used by the visitors to describe the territory between Prut and Nistru rivers. They also called Moldova – “The Swiss of the East”. The Moldavian people are well known by their hospitality. Every householder has a room in his house, named “Casa Mare” (the Big House), and prepared special for the guests. Step inside and you will find yourself in a world full of kindness and warmth, songs and art objects executed careful by different generations. It will make your heart and eyes fell joy.
But there are another part of the story as you may know our small country the poorest in East Europe is separate in 2 parts Moldova and Transnistria with a political conflict, also its have a lot of other problems as underdevelopment country.  Therefore our organization with its goal: offering the psychological and financial aid to all those who are in needs start to help solving these problems by joining the UN millennium development goals throw our projects since 2001.
How can those who want to help contribute to your organization?
- To contribute there are many possibilities like: volunteering virtual or directly in Moldova, donating , bringing sponsors, partners  and funds to our specific projects, partner with our organization in international projects  etc. Every one has a place for their talents in our organization

What are 3 things a person can gain from volunteering and interning in this program?
-          First of all they get priceless experience in our international organization. Second our organization is the best place where volunteers and interns could use and develop their talents. Third and most important is that participants are helping directly people in needs.

How will volunteering have an impact on those in Moldova?
-          Volunteering programs at our organization has already very big impact on those in Moldova from our programs benefit directly orphaned children, disabilities children, marinated youth, families and elders.

What aspects of volunteering need the most attention in your organization?
-          The following aspects of volunteering need the most attention in our organization:
-          -Media - writing articles etc. media work
-          - IT    - administration of computers and networks
-          -Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials
-          -Organizing activities for children in orphanages - sport and swimming instructors, team building etc. human development games
-          - Teachers  - English, Italian, French, German, Spanish languages
-          - Fundraising - Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors
-          - Project research and creation – researching grant opportunities and creating projects to fulfill requirements. Justifying proposals with statistical evidence as well as forging domestic and cross-border partnerships.
-          - International communication -researching and contacting potential International partners
-          -      Interfaith peace building- visit and cooperate with different faiths, developing spiritual life, ministry volunteers, mind and body harmony.
How people could contact you?
-          To contact us any time for more information about the program 24/7 - at Skype irffmd or tel. 37369006351 or fax.37322738330 email, social networks id irffmd
PS: (you support is gradually appreciated additionally are very welcomed partnerships and sponsorships, donations for the program just contact us for even more)
Bettie Ingram Reporter

Thursday, July 15, 2010

520 Euro pina astazi sau colectat Ajutai si tu pe 20 de cele mai vulnerabile fimilii ale inundatiilor “EI AU NEVOIE DE AJUTORUL TĂU” IRFF ONLUS MOLDOVA te invită să dai o mînă de ajutor pentru sinistraţii din Republica Moldova loviţi anul acesta de puterea ploilor şi rîului Prut

 În luna iulie IRFF colectează fonduri pentru ca la sfîrşitul acestei luni să fie transferaţi nevoiaşilor. Pina astazi sau colectat 40 MDL aderă şi tu!!!
Vezi video aici:
1. , 2.
Asociaţia IRFF ONLUS care din 2001 are o experienţă  enormă în ajutorul oamenilor nevoiaşi vă invită să daţi o mînă de ajutor.
       Orice persoană fizică sau juridică poate contribui cu orice fel de donaţie de fonduri. Mai multe despre experienţă  aflaţi  pe              
Datele Bancare:
Asociaţia Filantropica”IRFF ONLUS”
ADRESS: Moldova, 2025 Chisinau, str.C. Virnav 13
contul. 222410100003091
”Banca de finanţe si comerţ” SA, filiala N1, COD MFO FTMDMD2X735
adresa bancii: Moldova o. Chisinau str. Puskin26
Vă rugăm să indicaţi: DONAŢIE
Persoana de contact: Cirpala Nicolae, Director Executive A.F.I RFF F ONLUS,
Skype: irffmd, Fax:  (37322)738330, tel: (373)69006351

IRFF Moldova invites you to donate to people affected by floods this month.

IRFF Moldova invites you to donate to people affected by floods this month. Any person or organization can come up with any donation small or large to help people in big needs.
More about our experience in it and donate here:              
Thanks in advance for join the cause, please invite some friends to join and donate too.
Support by Facebook:
Sending a Bank Wire, Bank Dates:,  Beneficiary's
NAME: Asociatia Filantropica”IRFF ONLUS”
ADRESS: Moldova, 2025 Chisinau, str.C. Virnav 13
ACCOUNT N. 222410100003091
Beneficiary Bank's
BANK NAME: ”Banca de finante si comert” SA, filiala N1
BANK ADRESS: Moldova o. Chisinau str. Puskin26
By international laws, if you send money to Moldova you can send money only through:
Correspondent bank’s
Acc. 890-0067-810
Telex: 163294 BFC MD, ABA 021000018
Please indicate the purpose of money sending: DONATION
Contact person: Nicolae Cirpala Director Executive A.F.I Relief and Friendship F ONLUS
Skype: irffmd ,tel:  (37322)738330,  fax: (373)69006351

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Participati la seminarul Media Impact Miercuri 14 Iulie

Participati la seminarul Media Impact Miercuri 14 Iulie orele 13.00 -15.00. Acest seminar absolvit de zeci de participanti va contribui la transformarea ideilor ce au ca scop dezvoltarea unei afaceri de succes, a organizatiei sau comunitatii prin promovarea  Dvs.
Participarea 340 lei - donatie pentru proiectele Asociatei. 
Doritorii de a participa sunt rugati sa confirme prezenta prin completarea chestionarului  de mai jos la adresele e-mail:   si . Localul seminarului IRFF Moldova Seminar site.
CHESTIONAR DE INSCRIERE Date personale: Prenume:  Nume:  E-mail:_ Tel:_  Mob:__   
  Hobby:__    Organizatia/Functia:__     Sursa de unde ati aflat despre seminar__
 Sursa de unde ati aflat despre seminar__      Ce v-a atras la acest seminar? __   ,    Aveti experienta in domeniu?__  
Ce programe de promovare reprezinta interes deosebit pentru Dvs.? :__  
Spre ce sector/activitate a-ti dori sa se orienteze promovarea respectiva? _Ce asteptari aveti dupa program? :__ 
Data:__                         Semnatura:__
PS. Deasemenea puteti sa ne invitati sa organizam seminare si in localul Dumneavoastra.

Attend Media Impact seminar Wednesday 14th of July from 13.00 -15.00. This seminar graduated by tens of participants will help to turn you ideas into successful advertising of you idea, project, business etc. Participation is just 30 Euros
Persons interested in participating are asked to confirm this with the filed up questionnaire from below  by e-mail addresses:  and
QUESTIONNAIRE FORM Personal Data: Name:_ Surname_: E-mail: _ Phone: _ Mob: __
  Hobbies: __ Organization / Position: __ source where you find announcement about seminar__
 Do you have experience in advertising: _ What advertising programs are you interested in: __
Date: __ Signature: __
PS. You can also invite us to organize seminars at your site. IRFF Moldova constantly organizes: advice meetings, courses, internships, seminars advertising, you could participate in our programs or invite us to organise them at you office, contact us by our official web portal:
IRFF Молдова постоянно приглашает на семинар по рекламе в интернете 14 июля 13:00-15:00, вы тоже можете принять участие в наших образовательных программах или пригласить нашу команду организовать обучение у вас, просто свяжитесь с нами.
Более подробная информация на нашем веб-портале:
Nu ezitati sa ne contactati pentru inca mai multe detalii

Participati la seminarul scrierea proiectelor pentru finantare si fundraising

Rom. Participati la seminarul scrierea proiectelor pentru finantare si fundraising Marti 13 Iulie orele 13.00 -15.00. Acest seminar absolvit de sute de participanti va contribui la transformarea ideilor in proiecte de succes pentru a obtine finantari in vederea dezvoltarii organizatiei sau comunitatii Dvs.
Participarea 340 lei - donatie pentru proiectele Asociatei. 
Doritorii de a participa sunt rugati sa confirme prezenta pina simbata la: : Email: ,skype irffmd, Tel . 069006351 sau  Fax: 738330.

ENG: Attend fundraising and development project proposals seminar on Tuesday July 13 from 13.00 -15.00. This seminar graduated by hundreds of participants will help to turn you ideas into successful projects to get funding. Participation is just 20 Euros

Persons interested to participate are asked to confirm it by: Email: ,skype irffmd, Tel . +37369006351 or  Fax: +37322738330

RUS : IRFF Молдова организует семинар по написанию проектов и стратегиям по сбору средств, 13 июля, 13.00 -15.00.Более подробная информация на нашем веб-портале:

Nu ezitati sa ne contactati pentru inca mai multe detalii

Loc de practica/stagiu pe vara!

Loc de practica/stagiu pe vara! Gazduind sute de student annual IRFF Moldova va invita vara aceasta  sa petreceti practica in echipa noastra
internationala. Participantii vor capata experienta in domeniul:
- Social: ajutorarea copiilor orfani, instructor sport, de innot, jocuri de consolidarea echipelor si dezvoltarea personalitatii, invatatori de Engleza, franceza etc.  
-International Traducere si comunicare in diferite limbi, Relatii Internationale, identificarea si contactarea partenerilor potentiali.
-ONG: Scrierea proiectelor, Fundraising, studiu de caz, studiu de fiziabilitate, etc. Proiecte din cadrul ONG ,
-Media:  scrierea articolelor, video, foto etc.
- IT - Internet, Web, Bloguri etc
-Image maker/Publicitate – crearea bucletelor, video, foto si a altor materiale promotionale

Alte detalii: Stagiul se va petrece in Moldova, durata dupa cerinta de la kiteva zile la 2 luni, remunerarea 0 lei, Orele de lucru- full time, Training- provided.

Avantajele: In perioada de efectuare a stagiului de practica, studentul(ui) 
*      i se faciliteaza accesul la informatie,
*      i se ofera un cadru optim, propice invatarii si familiarizarii cu „cazuri”/ situatii concrete, specifice domeniului
*      primeste feedback.
La finalul practicii, studentul(ui) 
*      i se va elibera o adeverinta in care se va mentiona numarul de ore de practica effectuate etc. documente necesare

Participarea 340 lei - donatie pentru proiectele Asociatei. 

Doritorii de a participa sunt rugati sa confirme prezenta prin completarea chestionarului  de mai jos si expediat la adresele e-mail:   si ;
CHESTIONAR DE INSCRIERE - Prenume:                                        Nume:   
 - E-mail:__                                       Tel:__                                Mob:__   
 - Hobby __  ,  - Interese __   
- Sursa de unde ati aflat despre stagiu__
- Specialitatea_____
- Organizatia sau Institutia care o reprezentati __  
 - Ce v-a atras la acest program  __  
-Ce asteptari aveti dupa program__ 
- Perioada stagiului De pe data de ____  pina pe data de_____
Pentru mai multe informaţii, parteneriate şi sponsorizări, donaţii la program, persoana de contact este Cirpala Nicolae, Tel.069006351, skype irffmd , email
Canalul video cu experienta noastra:
Pentru cei ce vor participa. Stagiul contine 2 traininguri:
Fundraising si elaborarea propunerilor de  proiect mai multe detalii aici
Acest training absolvit de sute de participanti va contribui la transformarea ideilor in proiecte de succes pentru a obtine finantari in vederea dezvoltarii organizatiei sau comunitatii Dvs.
Si Media Impact mai multe detalii aici:
Acest seminar absolvit de zeci de participanti va contribui la transformarea ideilor ce au ca scop dezvoltarea unei afaceri de succes, a organizatiei sau comunitatii prin promovarea Dvs.
Trainerul este Nicolae Cirpala, Director executiv A. F. IRFF ONLUS Detalii, CV si experienta aici
Mai multe detalii cu ce se ocupa practicantii:
Video  canalul aici:
Nu ezitati sa ne contactati pentru mai multe detalii cu repect:

This summer, Volunteer, Internship, Study Program

Hosting hundreds of interns and volunteers every year we are looking for people who are independent workers with good written and verbal communication skills. Though not a pre-requisite, the following background is preferred: a demonstrated interest in such subjects as international relations, peace building, fundraising and NGOs. However, experience and academic qualifications can be matched with adequate enthusiasm for the area.
Our volunteer’s video channel:

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about peace building, meet members of the nonprofit community in Moldova, and learn the logistics of an NGO. Additional you will have opportunity to visit Moldova’s historical and holy places, also study Russian or Romanian languages etc.

Our Organization seeks students, graduate students or any volunteers who would like the opportunity for exposure to a wide range of work and experiences.

The following placements are available within the IRFF and our partners:

-Media - writing articles etc. media work
- IT    - administration of computers and networks
-Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials
-Organizing activities for children in orphanages - sport and swimming instructors, team building etc. human development games
- Teachers  - English, Italian, French, German, Spanish languages
- Fundraising - Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors
- Project research and creation – researching grant opportunities and creating projects to fulfill requirements. Justifying proposals with statistical evidence as well as forging domestic and cross-border partnerships.
- International communication -researching and contacting potential International partners
-      Interfaith peacebuilding- visit and cooperate with different faiths, developing spiritual life, ministry volunteers, mind and body harmony.
Other data:

Country – Moldova,
Duration- from few days and weeks to 48 Months.
Start date – anytime,
Remuneration- € 0 per month,
Working week- full-time,
Training- provided,
Required languages- English or Romanian or Russian, others are also welcomed.
The IRFF can help source accommodation.

The cost of the program is 100 Euros a donation for our charity projects which also includes placement arrangements and all administrative costs regarding you placement.

We provide non-paid Volunteer/internship placements and participants are expected to cover all their personal expenses.

Application instructions: Email Curriculum Vitae to and

Also feel free to contact us any time for more information about the program 24/7 - at Skype irffmd or tel. 37369006351 or fax.37322738330 email (you support is gradually appreciated additionally are very welcomed partnerships and sponsorships, donations for the program just contact us for even more)

Our video channel:

Study in Moldova

Higher education:
... more
Business in Moldova
... more
1. GRANTS ,   Network for the latest news about: grants, sponsors, fellowship, donations, awards. National, European, International USA and grants news:    
 4. Universal Peace Network,
5. ENVIRONMENT protecting network,
6. HEALTHY lifestyle network :
7. Jobs worldwide group :
More info for you on: web:
Our Twitter, skype etc portals username are : irffmd
Shortly: A. F. I. Relief Friendship F. Moldova :
 Help orphans live and study just for a 1Euro/day:
 Year around Youth and volunteers programs and projects, Internships, Business in Moldova, Study in Moldova:
 Supporter of UN, MDGs and UPF:

Sending donations by Bank wire, Beneficiary's NAME: Asociatia Filantropica”IRFF ONLUS”, ADRESS: Moldova, 2025 Chisinau, str.C. Virnav 13, ACCOUNT N. 222410100003091, Beneficiary Bank's NAME: ”Banca de finante si comert” SA, filiala N1, BANK ADRESS: Moldova o. Chisinau str. Puskin26, BANKSWIFT CODE: FTMDMD2X, Correspondent bank’s, CORESPONDENT BANK NAME: Bank of New York, New York, USA, CORESPONDENT BANK S.W.I.F.T. code: IRVT US 3N

For partnerships, donations and sponsorships 24/7 Info line: Skype: irffmd , tel 37369006351