Friday, December 25, 2009


Happy Holidays from IRFF Moldova

As we near the end of the year, we wanted to take a moment to congratulate you and with sharing in mind, this year we've decided to give you something a little different(LIVE). We hope you'll find it fits the spirit of the holiday season.

So we writing you today to ask for your help. With a great experience since 2001 in helping thousands of peoples in needs IRFF Moldova ask you to join by contributing $50, $100, $200, or more this holiday season !

Our goal is to raise the USD $100,000 during this fundraising campaign needed for 2010 live aid for orphaned children, children with disabilities, youth, families, elderly people in needs also environment projects live for plants and animals. We’ve already raised $50,000 from our partners.

Please help them live through one of the two ways:
- Click here for a gift by PayPal or credit card that’s tax-deductible in the United States, or...

-Click here for a credit card or a bank wire contribution directly

We're looking forward to working with you to build lasting success in 2010.

Happy Holidays,
Your Team

PS: If a commitment is not possible from you at the moment then please pass this message to you friends to be passed on because any person or organization can come up with any donation small, large or inviting friends to join online by Facebook

Our Youtube Video Channel

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Invitation to International Cuisine Christmas charity Banquette Vă invităm la Banchetul caritabil Internaţional de Crăciun Международный Рождественск

On December 25th, Philanthropic Association IRFF ONLUS invite you to the International Cuisine “Christmas charity Banquette”, a one-day from 11.00-14.00 celebrations event focusing on raising funds for people in needs.

The Christmas Banquette provides the opportunity for profit, government, religious and nonprofit organizations to network, been a great meeting place for donors, priests, sponsors, managers, businessman’s, volunteers, executives and etc. philanthropists.

Those interested to participate should just contact us by: or for tickets reservations call us on the Tel. (373)69006351, Skype: irffmd

Program: festive Concert with young celebrities and Charity banquette itself.

The participation is 40 Euros

PS: For those who couldn’t attend The Christmas Banquette please help directly “Christmas Gift” campaign by participation, acting, inviting friends to join, donation even 10 USD could help, or virtually support charity for peace. With a great experience since 2001 in helping thousands of peoples in needs A.F.IRFF ONLUS launch this fundraising campaign with the goal to collect substantial funds for charitable projects that constantly help orphaned children, youth, families and elderly people.

Any person or organization can come up with any donation small, large or inviting friends to join online by Facebook

More about our charity experience and donate directly here:

Rom: Pe 25 decembrie, Asociaţia Filantropică IRFF ONLUS vă invită la Banchetul caritabil Internaţional de Crăciun şi este un eveniment de o zi de la 11.00-14.00 cu un program festiv ce se axsează pe colectare de fonduri pentru persoane în nevoi.

Banchetul caritabil Internaţional de Crăciun oferă posibilitatea pentru organizaţiile business, de guvernare, religioase şi non-profit pentru a coopera, şi e un loc excelent de întâlnire pentru donatori, preoţi, sponsori, manageri, oameni de afaceri, voluntari, directori şi etc. Filantropi.

Cei interesaţi să participe contactaţi-ne pe: sau pentru rezervaţi bilete la Tel. (373) 69006351

În program: Concert festiv cu celebrităţi tinere şi Banchet.

Participarea 40 Euro

Rus: 25 декабря, благотворительная ассоциация IRFF ONLUS приглашает Вас на Международный Рождественский благотворительный Банкет который будет проходить с 11.00-14.00 являясь празничным событием по сбору средств.

Рождественский благотворительный Банкет предоставляет возможность для сотрудничества государственым, религиозным, бизнес и некоммерческим организацииям, являясь отличным местом встречи для спонсоров, менеджеров, священников, бизнесменов, волонтеров, руководителей и других благотворителей.

Желающим принять участие нужно просто связаться с нами: или зарезервировать билеты позвонив нам по тел. (373) 69006351, Skype: irffmd

В программе: праздничный концерт с участием молодых знаменитостей и благотворительный банкет.

Участие 40 евро

PS: Для тех, кто не смогут присутствовать на Рождественский благотворительный Банкет пожалуйста помогите напрямую через "Рождественский подарок" учавствуйте сами, приглашаите друзей присоединиться. С большим опытом работы AFIRFF ONLUS с 2001 года помогаем тысячам людям, мы начали эту кампанию по сбору средств с целью собрать значительные средства на благотворительные проекты, которые постоянно помогают детям-сиротам, молодежи, семьям и пожилым людям.

Любое человек или организация может дать любое пожертвование малое, большое или приглашать друзей присоединиться онлайн на Facebook

Подробнее о нашей работе и пожертвовать напрямую:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

International Cuisine Christmas charity Banquette invitation

On December 25th, Philanthropic Association IRFF ONLUS invite you to the International Cuisine “Christmas charity Banquette”, a one-day from 11.00-14.00 celebrations event focusing on raising funds for people in needs.

The Christmas Banquette provides the opportunity for profit, government, religious and nonprofit organizations to network, been a great meeting place for donors, priests, sponsors, managers, businessman’s, volunteers, executives and etc. philanthropists.

Those interested to participate should just contact us by: or for tickets reservations call us on the Tel. (373)69006351, Skype: irffmd

Program: festive Concert with young celebrities and Charity banquette itself.

The participation is 40 Euros

The Christmas Banquette will take place at the Families Federation Building, Chisinau capital city of Moldova republic eastern EUROPE, str Constantin Virnav 13, Malina Mica region (map here , Minibus: 191, 125, 193, 192, 112, 189 (Diagnostic Centre Station)

For more information, also about previous events, partnerships and sponsorships, donations Contact Us online by our official web portal:,

Facebook: Youtube channel :

See you at the banquette sincerely yours Nicolae Cirplala

PS: For those who couldn’t attend The Christmas Banquette please help directly “Christmas Gift” campaign by participation, acting, inviting friends to join, donation even 10 USD could help, or virtually support charity for peace. With a great experience since 2001 in helping thousands of peoples in needs A.F.IRFF ONLUS launch this fundraising campaign with the goal to collect substantial funds for charitable projects that constantly help orphaned children, youth, families and elderly people.

Any person or organization can come up with any donation small, large or inviting friends to join online by Facebook

More about our charity experience and donate directly here:


Give the Gift of Love this Christmas

As you may already know, the IRFF helps sponsor two struggling orphanages in Moldova. Between the homes there are about 800 children who are hardly able to have their basic needs met much less an appropriate Christmas. Children are the most vulnerable of us and in order for them to be heard, they need help from caring individuals like you. For Christmas this year, give a gift that counts and donate to help the orphans of Moldova know that someone cares.

Our “Long Distance Adoption” program is the best way to show a child you care this Christmas. Having started in 1997, the program has worked to connect inspiring individuals with one or more children in need of financial support in the orphanages in Moldova. The cost is only 30 USD a month (less than a cup of coffee a day) .

If a commitment is not possible from you at the moment, we also look for one-time donations of any amount that will go towards bringing joy to a child this Christmas. More information

Monday, December 14, 2009

Volunteer Invitam voluntari tineri de toate virstele ce doresc sa activeze in echipa noastra !!!Voluntarii vor avea posibilitatea sa obtina experien

Volunteer Invitam voluntari tineri de toate virstele ce doresc sa activeze in echipa noastra !!!Voluntarii vor avea posibilitatea sa obtina experienta in :1. Traduceri din limbile italiana si engleza in romina si viceversa;2. Elaborarea si scrierea proiectelor,3. Proiecte media;4. Proiecte de ajutorare a copiilor orf......ani;5. Alte diverse proiecte din cadrul ONG-lui;6. Desfasurarea unei campanii de Fundraising;7. Relatii Internationale;8. Laborator de videospoturi;9. Bloguri etc. legate de promovarea pe Internet Video despre activitatile voluntarilor: Retiaua sociala: Ziua
Usilor deschise pentru voluntari in fiece mercuri orele 15:00 adresa:
regiunea Malina Mica, str. Constantin Virnav, 13,mun. Chişinău, RM.
(Rutiera 191, 125, 193, 192, 112, 189. Statia Centru Diagnostic.) Confirmati prezenta prin:Telefon de contact: 069006351,Skype: irffmd Email , blog, forum, chat

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about a minute ago · · · Share

Volunteer Турко/гагауз, китайско говоряшиие добровольцы приглашены в среду в 16.00 и другие потенциальные добровольцы молодые люди всех возрастов, которые хотят работать в нашей команде:
У вступивших в нашу организацию волонтёров появится возможность:
Участвовать в бесплатных семинарах по:
-Успешному развитию своей организаци...и или проекта
-Применению интернета для развития какого-либо проекта (создание блогов и т.д.)
Переводить с итальянского и английского языка на румынский, турецкии, китайскй и наоборот;
Получить опыт в международных отношениях;
Принять участие в проектах с целью помочь детям-сиротам, а также пожилым людям;
Участвовать и разрабатывать различные проекты, направленные на пользу общества:
Участвовать в экологических проекты; Proiecte media;

Laborator de videospoturi;

Мы нуждаемся в тебе, чтобы изменить мир к лучшему !

Контактные данные и информация о нас:

Адрес: улица К.Вырнав 13, регион Малая Малина, мун. Кишинёв, РМ
маршрутка 191, 125, 193, 192, 112, 189( Statia Centru Diagnostic.)

Контактные телефоны: 069006351, видео с проведёнными нами акциями и проектами официальный сайт наш кружок
Skype: irffmd

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Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
December 1 at 5:00pm · · · Share

Volunteer Virtual volunteers are invited (INVITAM voluntary virtuali).
We are seeking young people for Voluntary positions within our rapidly growing, fast-paced non-profit organization.

We are looking for people who are independent workers with good written and verbal communication skills. Though not a pre-requisite, the followin...g background is preferred: a demonstrated interest in such subjects as international relations, peace building, fundraising and NGOs. However, experience and academic qualifications can be matched with adequate enthusiasm for the area.

Our Organization seeks students, graduate students or any volunteers who would like the opportunity for exposure to a wide range of work and experiences.

The following placements are available for now:

-Media - writing articles etc. media work
-Blogers - promote our social campaigns throw internet
-Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials
-Fundraising - Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors
- Project research and creation – researching grant opportunities and creating projects to fulfill requirements. Justifying proposals with statistical evidence as well as forging domestic and cross-border partnerships.
Application instructions:

Email or mail Curriculum Vitae in English or Russian or Romanian to

Our official web portal here:
Our video channel:
Social Network:

See More
December 1 at 1:23am · · · Share

Volunteer La Ziua Usilor deschise Invitam voluntari pe mercuri- tineri de toate virstele ce doresc sa activeze in echipa noastra !!!
Voluntarii vor avea posibilitatea sa obtina experienta in :
1. Traduceri din limbile italiana si engleza in romina si viceversa;
2. Elaborarea si scrierea proiectelor,
3. Proiecte media;
4. ...Proiecte de ajutorare a copiilor orfani;
5. Alte diverse proiecte din cadrul ONG-lui;
6. Desfasurarea unei campanii de Fundraising;
7. Relatii Internationale;
8. Laborator de videospoturi;
9. Bloguri etc. legate de promovarea pe Internet
Video despre activitatile voluntarilor:
Retiaua sociala:

Ziua Usilor deschise pentru voluntari in fiece mercuri orele 15:00 adresa: regiunea Malina Mica, str. Constantin Virnav, 13,mun. Chişinău, RM. (Rutiera 191, 125, 193, 192, 112, 189. Statia Centru Diagnostic.)

Confirmati prezenta prin: Telefon de contact: 069006351,
Skype: irffmd
Email , blog, forum, chat

See More
December 1 at 1:07am · · · Share

Volunteer Invitation for Volunteer Placements.We are seeking young people for a year-round Voluntary or Internship positions within our rapidly growing, fast-paced non-profit organization.

We are looking for people who are independent workers with good written and verbal communication skills. Though not a pre-requisite, the follo...wing background is preferred: a demonstrated interest in such subjects as international relations, peace building, fundraising and NGOs. However, experience and academic qualifications can be matched with adequate enthusiasm for the area.

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about peace building, meet members of the nonprofit community in Moldova, and learn the logistics of an NGO. Additional you will have opportunity to visit Moldova’s historical and holy places, also study Russian or Romanian languages etc.

Our Organization seeks students, graduate students or any volunteers who would like the opportunity for exposure to a wide range of work and experiences.

The following placements are available within the IRFF and other NGO partners:

• Media - writing articles etc. media work
• IT - administration of computers and networks
• Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials
• Organizing activities for children in orphanages - sport and swimming instructors, team building etc. human development games
• Teachers - English, Italian, French, German, Spanish languages
• Fundraising - Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors
• Project research and creation – researching grant opportunities and creating projects to fulfill requirements. Justifying proposals with statistical evidence as well as forging domestic and cross-border partnerships.

Other data:

Country – Moldova,
Duration- 1 week to 48 Months.
Start date – negotiable,
Remuneration- € 0 per month,
Working week- full-time,
Training- provided,
Required languages- English or Romanian or Russian, others are also welcomed.
The IRFF can help source accommodation.

The cost of the program is 100 Euros a donation for our charity projects which also includes placement arrangements and all administrative costs regarding you placement.

We provide non-paid Volunteer/internship placements and participants are expected to cover all personal expenses.

Application instructions:

Please contact us for more information about the program.

Email or mail Curriculum Vitae in English or Russian or Romanian to
All Moldova is here:
We are here:
Our video channel:
Social Network:

See More
November 16 at 10:42pm · · · Share

Volunteer Для добровольцев и потенциальные добровольцы молодые люди всех возрастов, которые хотят работать в нашей команде:
У вступивших в нашу организацию волонтёров появится возможность:
Участвовать в бесплатных семинарах по:

-Успешному развитию своей организации или проекта

-Лидерству и лидерским способностям

-Применению инте...рнета для развития какого-либо проекта (создание блогов и т.д.)

Переводить с итальянского и английского языка на румынский и наоборот;

Получить опыт в международных отношениях;
Принять участие в проектах с целью помочь детям-сиротам, а также пожилым людям;
Участвовать и разрабатывать различные проекты, направленные на пользу общества:
Участвовать в экологических проекты; Proiecte media;

Laborator de videospoturi;

Мы нуждаемся в тебе, чтобы изменить мир к лучшему !

Контактные данные и информация о нас:

Адрес: улица К.Вырнав 13, регион Малая Малина, мун. Кишинёв, РМ
маршрутка 191, 125, 193, 192, 112, 189( Statia Centru Diagnostic.)

Контактные телефоны: 069006351, видео с проведёнными нами акциями и проектами официальный сайт наш кружок
Skype: irffmd

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Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
November 16 at 10:38pm · · · Share

Volunteer Invitam voluntari tineri de toate virstele ce doresc sa activeze in echipa noastra !!!
Voluntarii vor avea posibilitatea sa obtina experienta in :
1. Traduceri din limbile italiana si engleza in romina si viceversa;
2. Elaborarea si scrierea proiectelor,
3. Proiecte media;
4. Proiecte de ajutorare a copiilor orf...ani;
5. Alte diverse proiecte din cadrul ONG-lui;
6. Desfasurarea unei campanii de Fundraising;
7. Relatii Internationale;
8. Laborator de videospoturi;
9. Bloguri etc. legate de promovarea pe Internet
Video despre activitatile voluntarilor:
Retiaua sociala:

Ziua Usilor deschise pentru voluntari in fiece mercuri orele 15:00 adresa: regiunea Malina Mica, str. Constantin Virnav, 13,mun. Chişinău, RM. (Rutiera 191, 125, 193, 192, 112, 189. Statia Centru Diagnostic.)

Confirmati prezenta prin:Telefon de contact: 069006351,
Skype: irffmd
Email , blog, forum, chat

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Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
November 16 at 10:36pm · · · Share

Volunteer Invitation for International Volunteer Academy in Europe(Placement Opportunities).We are seeking young people for a year-round Voluntary or Internship positions within our rapidly growing, fast-paced non-profit organization.

We are looking for people who are independent workers with good written and verbal communication... skills. Though not a pre-requisite, the following background is preferred: a demonstrated interest in such subjects as international relations, peace building, fundraising and NGOs. However, experience and academic qualifications can be matched with adequate enthusiasm for the area.

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about peace building, meet members of the nonprofit community in Moldova, and learn the logistics of an NGO. Additional you will have opportunity to visit Moldova’s historical and holy places, also study Russian or Romanian languages etc.

Our Organization seeks students, graduate students or any volunteers who would like the opportunity for exposure to a wide range of work and experiences.

The following placements are available within the IRFF and other NGO partners:

• Media - writing articles etc. media work
• IT - administration of computers and networks
• Image maker - making booklets, creating video spots, creating thematic photos, creating promotional materials
• Organizing activities for children in orphanages - sport and swimming instructors, team building etc. human development games
• Teachers - English, Italian, French, German, Spanish languages
• Fundraising - Writing and proof reading grant proposals, researching and contacting sponsors
• Project research and creation – researching grant opportunities and creating projects to fulfill requirements. Justifying proposals with statistical evidence as well as forging domestic and cross-border partnerships.

Other data:

Country – Moldova,
Duration- 1 week to 48 Months.
Start date – negotiable,
Remuneration- € 0 per month,
Working week- full-time,
Training- provided,
Required languages- English or Romanian or Russian, others are also welcomed.
The IRFF can help source accommodation.

The cost of the program is 100 Euros a donation for our charity projects which also includes placement arrangements and all administrative costs regarding you placement.

We provide non-paid Volunteer/internship placements and participants are expected to cover all personal expenses.

Application instructions:

Please contact us for more information about the program.

Email or mail Curriculum Vitae in English or Russian or Romanian to
All Moldova is here:
We are here:
Our video channel:
Social Network:

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Join the IRFF Moldova Team, who through relief and friendship is constantly helping orphans, children, youth, families, and communities!
November 9 at 11:02pm · · · Share

Volunteer День открытых дверей для волонтеров в каждую среду. Подробнее для добровольцев и потенциальные добровольцы молодые люди всех возрастов, которые хотят работать в нашей команде:

Адрес: улица К.Вырнав 13, регион Малая Малина, мун. Кишинёв, РМ
маршрутка 191, 125, 193, 192, 112, 189( Statia Centru Diagnostic.)

Контактные телеф...оны: 069006351 наш кружок
Skype: irffmd

See More
Relief and Friendship Moldova Team - Join an international forerunner of leaders and # 1 charity for peace: !
November 9 at 10:54pm · · · Share

Volunteer День открытых дверей для волонтеров в каждую среду. Подробнее для добровольцев и потенциальные добровольцы молодые люди всех возрастов, которые хотят работать в нашей команде:
У вступивших в нашу организацию волонтёров появится возможность:
Участвовать в бесплатных семинарах по:

-Успешному развитию своей организации ...или проекта

-Лидерству и лидерским способностям

-Применению интернета для развития какого-либо проекта (создание блогов и т.д.)

Переводить с итальянского и английского языка на румынский и наоборот;

Получить опыт в международных отношениях;
Принять участие в проектах с целью помочь детям-сиротам, а также пожилым людям;
Участвовать и разрабатывать различные проекты, направленные на пользу общества:
Участвовать в экологических проекты; Proiecte media;

Laborator de videospoturi;

Мы нуждаемся в тебе, чтобы изменить мир к лучшему !

Контактные данные и информация о нас:

Адрес: улица К.Вырнав 13, регион Малая Малина, мун. Кишинёв, РМ
маршрутка 191, 125, 193, 192, 112, 189( Statia Centru Diagnostic.)

Контактные телефоны: 069006351, видео с проведёнными нами акциями и проектами официальный сайт наш кужок
Skype: irffmd

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Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
November 9 at 10:49pm · · · Share

Volunteer Ziua Usilor deschise pentru voluntari in fiece mercuri:Invitatie pentru voluntari si potential voluntari-tineri de toate virstele ce doresc sa activeze in echipa noastra !!!
Voluntarii vor avea posibilitatea sa obtina experienta in :
1. Traduceri din limbile italiana si engleza in romina si viceversa;
2. Elaborarea scrierea proiectelor,
3. Proiecte media;
4. Proiecte de ajutorare a copiilor orfani;
5. Alte diverse proiecte din cadrul ONG-lui;
6. Desfasurarea unei campanii de Fundraising;
7. Relatii Internationale;
8. Laborator de videospoturi;
9. Bloguri etc. legate de promovarea pe Internet
Video despre activitatile voluntarilor:
Retiaua sociala:

Ziua Usilor deschise pentru voluntari in fiece mercuri orele 15:00 adresa: regiunea Malina Mica, str. Constantin Virnav, 13,mun. Chişinău, RM. (Rutiera 191, 125, 193, 192, 112, 189. Statia Centru Diagnostic.)

Confirmati prezenta prin:Telefon de contact: 069006351,
Skype: irffmd
Email , blog, forum, chat

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Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
November 9 at 10:49pm · · · Share

Volunteer Voluntari si potentiali voluntari sunt invitati pe data de 23.09.2009 orele 14.00 la proiectul social-cultural la Azilul persoanelor in etate Str. Valea Rediului 16.
In programa concert festiv si jocuri de buna voie.
Fiecare poate veni cu o piesa muzicala, joc, un cadou mic( detergenti etc.) sau pur si simplu prin preze...nta.
Locul de intilnire Gara de Sud-vest 23.09.2009 orele 14.00
Va asteptam si contactatima pentru mai multa informatie:
Nicolae Cirpala, Director
International Relief Friendship Foundation IRFF, Moldova
Skype: irffmd
mobile: (373)69006351

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Join the IRFF Moldova Team, who through relief and friendship is constantly helping orphans, children, youth, families, and communities!
September 23 at 12:57pm · · · Share

Volunteer Volunteers Open Doors party Wednesday September 9 was a very good volunteer program whith 15 new volunteers who join our projects. In the program where: Modern Music Concert of young international ...
Volunteers Open Doors party Wednesday September 9 was a very good volunteer program whith 15 new volunteers who join our projects. In the program where: Modern Music Concert of young international talents Association projects Films Planning new projects etc.. ...
September 11 at 11:48pm · · · Share

Volunteer Rom. Invitatie pentru voluntari si potential voluntari-tineri de toate virstele ce doresc sa activeze in echipa noastra !!!
Ziua Usilor deschise pentru voluntari in fiece miercuri orele 15:00 adresa: regiunea Malina Mica, str. Constantin Virnav, 13,mun. Chişinău, RM.
Confirmati prezenta prin:Telefon de contact: 069006351...,
Skype: irffmd
Email , blog, forum, chat

See More
Join the IRFF Moldova Team, who through relief and friendship is constantly helping orphans, children, youth, families, and communities!
September 11 at 11:45pm · · · Share
Chiekh Assane
Chiekh Assane
hello, How can i partake? i want to come over to work
November 2 at 12:41pm · Delete · Report

Volunteer Invitation for International Volunteer Academy

Placement Opportunity

We are seeking young people for a year-round Voluntary or Internship positions within our rapidly growing, fast-paced non-profit organization.

We are looking for people who are independent work...ers with good written and verbal communication skills.

See More
Join the IRFF Moldova Team, who through relief and friendship is constantly helping orphans, children, youth, families, and communities!
September 11 at 11:39pm · · · Share
Chiekh Assane
Chiekh Assane
I wish to partake in this program, how do i start?
email me:
November 2 at 12:33pm · Delete · Report

Volunteer Invitam voluntari si potential voluntari-tineri de toate virstele ce doresc sa activeze in echipa noastra !!!

Voluntarii vor avea posibilitatea sa obtina experienta in :

1. Traduceri din limbile italiana si engleza in romina si viceversa;
2. Elaborarea si scrierea proiectelor,
3. Proiecte media;
4. Proiecte de ajutorare a c...opiilor orfani;
5. Alte diverse proiecte din cadrul ONG-lui;

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Join the IRFF Moldova Team, who through relief and friendship is constantly helping orphans, children, youth, families, and communities!
July 16 at 4:45pm · · · Share
Chiekh Assane
Chiekh Assane
hello, How can i partake to help with my strength? my energy and might?
please inform me ASAP
November 2 at 12:42pm · Delete · Report

Volunteer Donate when searching in internet without paying any penny , "Causes" application, users of Firefox and IE etc. Every time you search using the Causes toolbar, "Causes" will donate one penny to our cause: The power of one leu (ten cents)

Here's the link to download the toolbar.

B...e a member of the cause, click below:

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July 2 at 11:29am · · · Share
Chiekh Assane
Chiekh Assane
hello, How can i partake to help with my strength? my energy and might?
please inform me ASAP
November 2 at 12:43pm · Delete · Report

Volunteer Volunteer summer thousands of opportunities invitation, here are some examples:
Children and young people:
-playgroups, homework clubs, youth groups, holiday schemes, Scouts, Guides, mentoring.
Older people:
-visiting, befriending, practical help such as gardening or shopping, helping at day centers, meals on wheels.
Childr...en or adults with special needs:
-befriending, providing respite for careers, recording books o

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Join the IRFF Moldova Team, who through relief and friendship is constantly helping orphans, children, youth, families, and communities!
June 8 at 1:00am · · · Share
Chiekh Assane
Chiekh Assane
I wish to partake in this program with all i ghat, how do i start?
email me:
November 2 at 12:34pm · Delete · Report
Volunteer summer thousands of opportunities invitation, here are some examples: Children and young people: -playgroups, homework clubs, youth groups, holiday schemes, Scouts, Guides, mentoring...
June 8 at 12:59am · · · Share
Chiekh Assane
Chiekh Assane
I wish to get involve, how do i partake?
November 2 at 12:34pm · Delete · Report

Volunteer Came for Volunteer, internship programs in Moldova, Our program named “International Volunteer Academy” invite you to the following placements: Media, IT, Image maker, Organizing free time for children in orphanages, Teachers, English, Fundraising placements.
Placements description: We are seeking year around youth for ...Volunteer, Internship applications to work for our rapidly growing, fast-paced non-profit NGO

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Join the IRFF Moldova Team, who through relief and friendship is constantly helping orphans, children, youth, families, and communities!
May 31 at 1:40pm · · · Share
Chiekh Assane
Chiekh Assane
hello, How can i partake to help with my strength? my energy and might?
please inform me ASAP
November 2 at 12:43pm · Delete · Report

Volunteer Please join fundraising campaign by a donation and inviting friends. Having a great experience in helping people in needs A.F.IRFF ONLUS in 2009 relaunch fundraising campaign “The power of one leu(ten cents)". The action consist in funds collection for charitable projects that help orphaned children, youth, families an...d elderly people in needs.
Any person or organization can come up with any donation small or large to help people in big needs.
More about our experience in it and donate here:
Thanks in advance for join the cause, please invite some friends to join and donate too. Support by facebook:
Contact person: Nicolae Cirpala Director Executive A.F.I Relief and Friendship F ONLUS
Skype: irffmd
mobile: (37322)738330
tel/fax: (373)69006351

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March 3 at 4:01pm · · · Share
Chiekh Assane
Chiekh Assane
hello, How can i partake to help with my strength? my energy and might?
please inform me ASAP
November 2 at 12:43pm · Delete · Report