www.ivacademy.net we are inviting students, young people or anybody who would like the opportunity for exposure to a wide range of work and experiences for Internship or Voluntary positions within our rapidly growing, fast-paced organization Groups of any size are also welcomed. Call us by Skype Whatsapp, Viber, Phone www.ivacademy.net
Friday, December 25, 2009
Happy Holidays from IRFF Moldova
As we near the end of the year, we wanted to take a moment to congratulate you and with sharing in mind, this year we've decided to give you something a little different(LIVE). We hope you'll find it fits the spirit of the holiday season.
So we writing you today to ask for your help. With a great experience since 2001 in helping thousands of peoples in needs IRFF Moldova ask you to join by contributing $50, $100, $200, or more this holiday season !
Our goal is to raise the USD $100,000 during this fundraising campaign needed for 2010 live aid for orphaned children, children with disabilities, youth, families, elderly people in needs also environment projects live for plants and animals. We’ve already raised $50,000 from our partners.
Please help them live through one of the two ways:
- Click here http://irff.org/donation.html for a gift by PayPal or credit card that’s tax-deductible in the United States, or...
-Click here for a credit card or a bank wire contribution directly http://irffmd.net/public/make_a_donation.html
We're looking forward to working with you to build lasting success in 2010.
Happy Holidays,
Your www.irffmd.net Team
PS: If a commitment is not possible from you at the moment then please pass this message to you friends to be passed on because any person or organization can come up with any donation small, large or inviting friends to join online by Facebook http://apps.facebook.com/causes/218169/27771364?m=71bb3202
Our Youtube Video Channel www.youtube.com/irffmd
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Invitation to International Cuisine Christmas charity Banquette Vă invităm la Banchetul caritabil Internaţional de Crăciun Международный Рождественск
On December 25th, Philanthropic Association IRFF ONLUS invite you to the International Cuisine “Christmas charity Banquette”, a one-day from 11.00-14.00 celebrations event focusing on raising funds for people in needs.
The Christmas Banquette provides the opportunity for profit, government, religious and nonprofit organizations to network, been a great meeting place for donors, priests, sponsors, managers, businessman’s, volunteers, executives and etc. philanthropists.
Those interested to participate should just contact us by: pacea21@gmail.com or for tickets reservations call us on the Tel. (373)69006351, Skype: irffmd
Program: festive Concert with young celebrities and Charity banquette itself.
The participation is 40 Euros
PS: For those who couldn’t attend The Christmas Banquette please help directly “Christmas Gift” campaign by participation, acting, inviting friends to join, donation even 10 USD could help, or virtually support charity for peace. With a great experience since 2001 in helping thousands of peoples in needs A.F.IRFF ONLUS launch this fundraising campaign with the goal to collect substantial funds for charitable projects that constantly help orphaned children, youth, families and elderly people.
Any person or organization can come up with any donation small, large or inviting friends to join online by Facebook http://apps.facebook.com/causes/218169/27771364?m=71bb3202
More about our charity experience and donate directly here: www.irffmd.net
Rom: Pe 25 decembrie, Asociaţia Filantropică IRFF ONLUS vă invită la Banchetul caritabil Internaţional de Crăciun şi este un eveniment de o zi de la 11.00-14.00 cu un program festiv ce se axsează pe colectare de fonduri pentru persoane în nevoi.
Banchetul caritabil Internaţional de Crăciun oferă posibilitatea pentru organizaţiile business, de guvernare, religioase şi non-profit pentru a coopera, şi e un loc excelent de întâlnire pentru donatori, preoţi, sponsori, manageri, oameni de afaceri, voluntari, directori şi etc. Filantropi.
Cei interesaţi să participe contactaţi-ne pe: pacea21@gmail.com sau pentru rezervaţi bilete la Tel. (373) 69006351
În program: Concert festiv cu celebrităţi tinere şi Banchet.
Participarea 40 Euro
Rus: 25 декабря, благотворительная ассоциация IRFF ONLUS приглашает Вас на Международный Рождественский благотворительный Банкет который будет проходить с 11.00-14.00 являясь празничным событием по сбору средств.
Рождественский благотворительный Банкет предоставляет возможность для сотрудничества государственым, религиозным, бизнес и некоммерческим организацииям, являясь отличным местом встречи для спонсоров, менеджеров, священников, бизнесменов, волонтеров, руководителей и других благотворителей.
Желающим принять участие нужно просто связаться с нами: pacea21@gmail.com или зарезервировать билеты позвонив нам по тел. (373) 69006351, Skype: irffmd
В программе: праздничный концерт с участием молодых знаменитостей и благотворительный банкет.
Участие 40 евро
PS: Для тех, кто не смогут присутствовать на Рождественский благотворительный Банкет пожалуйста помогите напрямую через "Рождественский подарок" учавствуйте сами, приглашаите друзей присоединиться. С большим опытом работы AFIRFF ONLUS с 2001 года помогаем тысячам людям, мы начали эту кампанию по сбору средств с целью собрать значительные средства на благотворительные проекты, которые постоянно помогают детям-сиротам, молодежи, семьям и пожилым людям.
Любое человек или организация может дать любое пожертвование малое, большое или приглашать друзей присоединиться онлайн на Facebook http://apps.facebook.com/causes/218169/27771364?m=71bb3202
Подробнее о нашей работе и пожертвовать напрямую: www.irffmd.net
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
International Cuisine Christmas charity Banquette invitation
On December 25th, Philanthropic Association IRFF ONLUS invite you to the International Cuisine “Christmas charity Banquette”, a one-day from 11.00-14.00 celebrations event focusing on raising funds for people in needs.
The Christmas Banquette provides the opportunity for profit, government, religious and nonprofit organizations to network, been a great meeting place for donors, priests, sponsors, managers, businessman’s, volunteers, executives and etc. philanthropists.
Those interested to participate should just contact us by: pacea21@gmail.com or for tickets reservations call us on the Tel. (373)69006351, Skype: irffmd
Program: festive Concert with young celebrities and Charity banquette itself.
The participation is 40 Euros
The Christmas Banquette will take place at the Families Federation Building, Chisinau capital city of Moldova republic eastern EUROPE, str Constantin Virnav 13, Malina Mica region (map here http://www.familyfedmd.org/ro/images/harta.gif , Minibus: 191, 125, 193, 192, 112, 189 (Diagnostic Centre Station)
For more information, also about previous events, partnerships and sponsorships, donations Contact Us online by our official web portal: www.irffmd.net,
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/IRFFMD Youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/irffmd
See you at the banquette sincerely yours Nicolae Cirplala
PS: For those who couldn’t attend The Christmas Banquette please help directly “Christmas Gift” campaign by participation, acting, inviting friends to join, donation even 10 USD could help, or virtually support charity for peace. With a great experience since 2001 in helping thousands of peoples in needs A.F.IRFF ONLUS launch this fundraising campaign with the goal to collect substantial funds for charitable projects that constantly help orphaned children, youth, families and elderly people.
Any person or organization can come up with any donation small, large or inviting friends to join online by Facebook http://apps.facebook.com/causes/218169/27771364?m=71bb3202
More about our charity experience and donate directly here: www.irffmd.net
Give the Gift of Love this Christmas
As you may already know, the IRFF helps sponsor two struggling orphanages in
Our “Long Distance Adoption” program is the best way to show a child you care this Christmas. Having started in 1997, the program has worked to connect inspiring individuals with one or more children in need of financial support in the orphanages in
If a commitment is not possible from you at the moment, we also look for one-time donations of any amount that will go towards bringing joy to a child this Christmas. More information http://irffmd.net/public/long_distance_adoption_project.html
please inform me ASAP